Data Archive

The ASO-S data policy can be found here. The data start from April 1, 2023.

A latest HXI data notice is here (June 12, 2024, important)

A latest LST notice is here.

Start Time End Time
HXI    ?   
Level Q1 Hourly Fits Hourly Png Daily Fits Daily Png Data-production status Png
Level 1 Detector Data SAS Data
FMG    ?   
Level 2-AR 1.5-FD 2-FD Synoptic(No mode)
Mode Routine Fast (40s) Deep Integration User-defined Cadence s
NOAA AR Number (Only input the digits here.)
Synoptic Fmg Synoptic
LST    ?   
SDI Level 1 Background Radcalib 2.5
SDI Mode Routine-4608 Burst-1024 Burst-4608 1024 User-defined Cadence s
4608 User-defined Cadence s
WST Level 1 2.5 Radcalib
WST Mode Routine-4608 Burst-1024 Burst-4608 1024 User-defined Cadence s
4608 User-defined Cadence s
SCIUV Level 1 2.5
SCIUV Mode Routine (30s) Burst          (15s) User-defined Cadence s
SCIWL Level 1 3.5(No mode) Background(for L1)
SCIWL Mode Routine -60° (60s) Routine 0° (60s) Routine 60° (60s) User-defined Cadence s
Burst     -60° (30s) Burst     0° (30s) Burst     60° (30s)
LST Lev 1 Summary  ?  SDI WST SCIUV SCIWL Download LST Summary
Cutout Xcen (arcsec) Ycen (arcsec) Xrange (arcsec) Yrange (arcsec)
Tracking (optional,using integer pixel shifts) Reference Time:
Email: Search Tar and Download Data Reset
Result File Count : Probable Size(MB) : Request ID :
Data Export Status and Retrieval
Request ID : Check Status Status :
Link : Download Link
File Name Download
User-defined Cadence:Please choose only one level to input user-defined cadence.

Important notice for HXI data (June 12, 2024)

All HXI data products have been re-produced based on energy calibration. The new data products for observations since Apr. 1, 2023 were online on Jun. 12,2024. If you are interested in the data observed between Oct. 21,2022 and Apr. 1,2023, please contact HXI team.

(1) The new energy calibration improved the correction of the non-linear effect for energies below ~25 keV. Spectral fitting and imaging at low energies are therefore improved.

(2) You may check the file name of the Lev 1 FITS and the DPS plot for the latest data version or check the header of Lev 1 FITS for the latest version of the production software (‘code_ver’ = 1.7).

(3) The new version of HXI GUI will be released in this month. HXI_Clean will be improved with the latest calibration results. VIS_Clean will be available for imaging with semi-corrected visibilities.


Important notice for HXI data (Oct. 31 2023)

All HXI data products have been re-produced based on improved energy calibration. The new data for observations since 1 Apr. 2023 were online on 30 Oct. 2023.

(1) If you are interested in the data observed between 21 Oct. 2022 and 1 Apr. 2023, please contact HXI team.

(2) Currently, the HXI GUI (v1.24beta) does not provide imaging calibration. The next version of the GUI and the user guide will be online within ten days and provide preliminary imaging calibration, new function for selecting background (which is very important for imaging), new function for merging spectra data from different detectors.

(3) For most of the observations, you may use the new light curve data (cts_thinthick) provided in Q1 FITS, which are the average count rate of three total flux monitors and provides the best SN ratio. You can find the PNG file in the ‘Image Browser’ for quicklook.

(4) If you are using the data for scientific purposes, it is suggested that you contact HXI team to confirm the results, especially images. HXI team will help confirm or make the images.


Important note for HXI users: (Aug. 27 2023)

All HXI data is being re-produced as planned based on the new Level 0 data and new production software (v1.5 beta, which includes improved energy calibration). This process will take a few days to a week. 

Please wait for the new products. 

Thanks to Albert Y. Shih's efforts, the HXI quicklook plots can be also viewed from the RHESSI Browser 2.0 since July 2023. 

At the current stage, imaging calibration and visibility calibration (hxi_vis_clean or hxi_vis_bp are not ready for science) are still in progress. Background removal may be difficult and case by case. 

Therefore, we encourage users to follow the data policy and contact HXI science team if you want to use HXI images in publications. The team will help producing images (once the calibration is done and the GUI is ready, users can make images). 

The next update for HXI GUI will be released in a few weeks. 

We would be happy to accept your suggestions on how to improve HXI data and software. 

Many thanks. 

Aug. 27 2023

Yang Su, on behalf of HXI team

Short introduction on HXI Data products:
Lvl 1 data is energy-calibrated and the main scientific data.
Lvl Q1 data is provided for quicklook.
Lvl 0.5 data is the raw data and only recommended if the users want a different calibration.
2-AR: Active region longitudinal magnetic field and filter image.
FMG nominal cadence: 2min for routine mode.
UserDefined Cadence: your specified cadence (generally temporal interval longer than the nominal one).
For Synoptic data, mode selection is NOT required.
LST has four cameras: WST, SDI,SCIUV,SCIWL.
WST nominal cadence: 120s for routine, 1-2s for burst-1024 and 5s burst-4608 mode.
SDI nominal cadence: 60s for routine, 4s for burst-1024 and 10s burst-4608 mode.
SCI nominal cadence: Data temporally unavailable.
User-defined Cadence: Your specified cadence (generally temporal interval longer than the nominal one).
For level 3.5 data, mode selection is NOT required.
For level Background data, mode selection is NOT required.
LST summary file is a monthly file.
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